The History of Haddington

Ada de Warenne (1120 –1178)

Ada de Warenne, Mother of Kings, Malcolm IV and William…Read More

Earliest record

Haddington was one of the first chartered Royal Burghs created…Read More

King David 1
David 1 of Scotland

King David I gives Haddington and its lands to Ada,…Read More

Foundation of Cistercian Priory

The Cistercian Priory of St Mary the Virgin, established by…Read More

St Martin’s Kirk
Exterior of St Martin's Kirk in Haddington

St Martin’s Kirk, the oldest surviving building in the town,…Read More

King Alexander II (1198 –1249)

King Alexander II is born in Haddington. The only son…Read More

Town is burned by the English

Town subjected to pillage and is burned by the English…Read More

Earl of Athol, is murdered

Patrick, sixth Earl of Athol, is murdered in a ‘palace’…Read More

Haddington again destroyed by fire.

Haddington again destroyed by fire.

The Nungate Bridge
Nungate Bridge Haddington

The Nungate Bridge, one of Scotland’s oldest bridges, dates from…Read More